Saturday, 13 June 2015

Limestone Journeys

A commission to create a new installation to open at Creswell Crags Visitor Centre on the 18th of July 2015. The installation will comprise a 10 minute film mixing images from three locations together with visual art and performance material filmed at the LEVEL Centre(Derbyshire UK). The Limestone Journeys project has been developed as a part of my role as Artist in Residence at the LEVEL Centre.

Karla Henry performing in mud during a R&D session for the project.

The project intends to explore the relationship between people, history and geology presented through a multi-media installation. It will use the area’s unique heritage and biodiversity as a catalyst and inspiration. In addition, we will introduce the notion of personal exploration and discovery by incorporating an interactive element, where some of the information will be hidden and only revealed by the audience. 

Karla Henry performing in mud during a R&D session for the project.
The video element will feature short sections of a performance by Karla Henry using mud and sand from the three locations chosen for the Limestone Journey. We have just completed our first research and development day creating new material for the project. Karla will develop this material into a solo multi media performance in the near future. For Limestone Journeys I will blend short sections of Karla performing with mud together with images of limestone, buildings and topography from the three locations.

Magnesian Limestone from Creswell Crags - the end our the Limestone Journey

The Derbyshire Magnesian Limestone occurs in the north east of the county as a narrow belt of elevated land, approximately 10km wide by 20km in length, which runs between Barlborough in the north to Hardwick and Pleasley in the south. The topography of the industrial coalfields in the west contrasts strongly with the low-lying regions of Nottinghamshire to the east.

Pleasley Mill - the start of the Limestone Journey

Limestone Journeys as an intallation will comprise a 10-minute film shown on a large screen/screens together with three plinths each supporting a clear glass vessel containing soil/rock samples taken from three locations on the ‘Limestone Journey’ from Pleasley to Creswell Crags.  The plinths will be placed at the front of the installation to create a relationship between them and the screen/screens.

Karla Henry performing in mud during a R&D session for the project.
Karla Henry performing in sand during a R&D session for the project.

Karla Henry performing in sand during a R&D session for the project.

Images above: Karla Henry performing in mud during a R&D session for the project.
The project also has worked with over 100 people with a learning disabilty at the LEVEL Centre (Derbyshire UK) - creating visual art from mud and stone samples taken from the three locations on the Limestone Journey. See images below.
Creating a largesclae visual art work at the LEVEL Centre.

Painting with mud from Creswell Crags  - at the LEVEL Centre

More info about this project can be found at the LEVEL blog site:

Karla Henry performing in sand during a R&D session for the project.

Karla Henry - Mud Performance
 More info will apear as the project develops.

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