Friday 26 July 2013

Transported - Four new commissioned works for Sinfonia Viva

In May Andrew was commissioned by Sinfonia Viva to create four site specific music/sound performances using orchestral musicians situated on four rooftop locations within the centre of Boston (UK). The locations were chosen to provide good lines of visibility (for a maximum potential audience) together with interesting sound diffusion possibilities, making possible the interaction of sound from all four locations. This is a unique project developed by Andrew and supported by Transported Arts (Lincolnshire) through funds made available by Arts Council of England.

Musicians on Rooftop in Boston (Lincs UK)

Sixteen separate performances took place in late June each lasting 7/12 minutes with the last performance of each day taking place at 7.00pm. The timing of performances referenced the Islamic Adhan (call to prayer) and although there was no religious content the performances served to provide ritualistic markers wthin each day – for example the 7.00pm performance marked the passing of day and welcoming the evening. Each performance started with the hour bell sounding on Boston Stump (the bell sounds an E flat and became a part of each opening section).

Mathew Dunn performing on the Roof of the Assembly Rooms (Boston)

The performances provided stunning, unusual and stimulating aural and visual events making use of the unique architecture and space provided by Boston town centre and providing moments where the harmonic properties of the sound was affected by the space in which they are heard. (The relative distance of the sound together with reflective and absorptive properties of buildings and foliage affected the audio perception for audience members as they move around the town centre) They were highly visible within the town and proved to be accessible to all while undoubtedly stimulating discussion and providing a unique sense of occasion.

Musicians involved in the project:

Matt Dunn (Clarinet)
Anthony Thompson (Trumpet)
Fiona Asbury (Sop Sax)
Richard Wainwright (French Horn)
Bethan Roberts (Oboe)
Peter Mainwaring (Trumpet)

People in Boston become aware of the rooftop performances

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